‘I really fell in love with an aircraft. That was the most fascinating aeroplane and the easiest one I ever flew. The gentlest aerobatic thing that I ever had my hands on. It was forgiving; you could make all kinds of mistakes’
The words of a young American pilot, Lieutenant Harry Strawn of the 309th Fighter Squadron who came to Europe and flew Spitfires over Dieppe In 1942.
It is 80 years ago this year that Spitfires operated by the 31st Fighter Group, flew from RAF Westhampnett (Goodwood) to support Operation Jubilee.
The Operations objective was to test the feasibility of capturing and holding a heavily defended seaport, causing minimal damage to its infrastructure and then to utilise that
facility to land invading Allied forces.

The Dieppe raid was a practical trial to gather intelligence and to test German reaction. The six thousand seaborne Canadian and British landing forces were supported by some 66 fighter squadrons. Including Royal Canadian Air Force and all three Eagle squadrons as well as the 31st Fighter Group operating reverse Lend Lease Spitfires from the RAF.
The opposing fighters were the indomitable JG2 and JG26, equipped with the formidable Focke-Wulf 190. The Germans were aware of the Allied interest in Dieppe and were prepared. All the element of surprise was lost when the Allied forces are spotted by a small German convoy. The raid rapidly descended into a calamitous conclusion within nine hours. Casualties on the ground were enormous, mirrored by the struggle in the skies above.

The 31st was the sole American unit to participate in Operation Jubilee (The now infamous Raid on Dieppe) although No. 71, 121, and 133 RAF squadrons also flew Spitfires during Operation Jubilee, these being the three Eagle Squadrons flown by American volunteers before they were inducted in the 8th Air Force as the 4th Fighter Group
The first support cover was flown from RAF Kenley, with their Spitfire Mk Vs taking off at 07:17hrs for Dieppe. The Spitfires were jumped by Fw-190s as they passed over the raiding parties naval escort. Lieutenant Hill turned on one of the attackers and claimed a probable Fw-190 shot down but one of the 12 pilots, Lt. Inghram was hit by enemy fire, he managed to bail out successfully and was later picked up by ships off the French coastline.

The 309th Fighter Squadron took off from RAF Westhampnett and arrived soon after the first sortie had been engaged by FW 190s. They found themselves in the middle of several dogfights, one moment being surrounded by friends, the next moment being surrounded by enemies. Having to fight their way out, with running battles all around. The first victory over an enemy aircraft for the 309th went to Lt. Sam Junkin who claimed an Fw-190 shot down. The 309th returned home with wheels touching down at 09:30hrs at RAF Westhampnett.

Harry Strawn was in the thick of the action and reported in his Diary:
‘I might say it was a big day for us, we came out very well. We lost only a few planes and all the pilots got out safely. One of our boys got the first German FW190 but in doing so was shot down by another. As for myself, you might say I was I was born under a luck star, at least I believe I was. With things as hot as they were, I can’t understand how I got out, but I did.
The Germans are plenty good and have a good fighter plane in the Fw 190, but I believe we are better. Of course, it doesn’t pay to get ‘cocky’ for about that time you’ll wake up to find that you’ve had it. You must keep your eyes open, all the time looking around, for in most cases they come down on you from above out of the sun. We have a good plane to meet them with in the Spitfire, and one the British should be very proud off.
For myself I hope I never have to fly any other make in this man’s war.’

The RAF suffered serious losses on the Dieppe raid, it is estimated that 62 pilots and aircrew lost their lives in action, while another two died in accidents. A further 17 pilots were shot down and captured. A further 29 were wounded in action or injured. In addition to the 100 aircraft lost, it is believed at least another 66 aircraft were damaged, either in action or in accidents. It had been an expensive day for the RAF.
The Spitfire pilots of the 31st Fighter group with their Mk V Spitfires ended up with a score of 2 enemy aircraft destroyed, 3 probable, and 2 damaged with the loss of five pilots. However, many Spitfires were forced down at other airfields due to fuel shortages.
Few people know that the first American Fighter Group to operate in the European Theatre flew the Spitfire! The Americans had originally intended to bring their own P39 Airacobra but had been advised by the RAF that these were no match for the Luftwaffe fighters. The plan was changed, they picked up their Spitfires at Atcham and High Ercall in June 1942. The Americans also were aware that had they have brought their own aircraft that the outlook may have been quite bleak!
Harry was to write in his Diary:
‘All I hope is that we never get our P-39s for American Fighter planes just won’t go here. They will have to face the facts sooner or later.’
The three squadrons of the Fighter Group were then dispersed to the South of England with the 307th Fighter Squadron taking up residence at RAF Biggin Hill, the 308th Fighter Squadron to RAF Kenley, and lastly, the 309th who took ownership of RAF Westhampnett, now the home airfield of Spitfres.com.
The Group began combat operations on 2nd August 1942, but the first taste of actual combat came on the 8th August 1942 when airborne on gunnery practice over Shoreham. The Spitfires were directed to intercept an incoming plot by controllers. They found a single Fw-190 and gave chase, with the squadron commander Major Harrison Thyng claiming the Fw-190 as damaged. Thyng later went on to become an Ace on both piston engine fighters and later jets over Korea.
From Westhampnett the Squadron flew combat sorties over France, fighter sweeps that resulted without much action during the early part of August 1942, however a Circus operation on the 17 August to Lille, France, resulted in the first major action when the Squadron engaged a flight of six to eight Fw-190s. The Spitfires had a significant height advantage and engaged the Fw-190s, claiming two damaged.

There is no doubt that the American pilots loved their Spitfires as Harry Strawn noted In his diary after the Dieppe raid:
‘As yet the US has no fighter plane that can touch anything the British Spit can, much less the Me 109F or the FW 190. We as pilots know what a good plane is, but the people at home will never know that the P-40 and P-39 would be death traps in this war. I hope to God we will never get them here for we wouldn’t have a chance against the Germans.’
Post-war, Harry added to his diary ‘The Spitfire was a great aeroplane - we loved it’
The 31st continued to fly missions through October of 1942 when allowed by the weather, formation, and gunnery practice. They also played host to many dignitaries and American press including Time and Life magazines as well as getting a visit from General Doolittle!
RAF Westhampnett the home of Spitfires.com has a memorial erected on the airfield dedicated in memory of the pilots and ground crew of the 31st Fighter Group who flew the Mk V Spitfire in action.